The two-month plus LAG in reacting logically sensibly to the pandemic
The constant barrage of hate-filled rants raves and vendettas against all his many eneies
The constant lies every time he opens his mouth
The people he hired and then encourages to strip the country of whatever they can steal
Ordering the teargassing of people, rubber bullets being shot at them, baton beating them, buzzing them with aircraft
Copycatting adolf hitler with the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy used effectively to divide and conquer American citizens
The rejection of law and order and treating the Constitution like his personal toilet paper
The swinging door through which dozens and dozens of the "best" people come and go...knownothing donothings he hires and fires and hires and fires and hires and fires
The firing of honorable devoted patriotic people who refuse to roll over and beg and do wrong
His obsession with vendetta retaliation revenge going back in time to re litigate every single thing that went against him and make everyone and anyone PAY FOR IT
Investigating all the investigators who investigated him hoping to dig up dirt and if not to manufacture it..a personal favorite of his