Do we expect what we elect"
Do we elect what we expect?
Why not shoot for the moon rather than expecting and settling for the dregs the detritus the scraps the scum?
The fault is with us.
What should we expect? We should expect them to tell the truth. We should expect them to run fair and honorable campaigns. We should expect them not to promise what they know they can’t do. We should expect them to do as they promised. We should expect them to do what their constituents hired them to do, not follow their own agendas. We should expect them to be fair to all (race, creed, color, or party) not just to the rich, or those of a certain race, creed or to their party. We should expect them to do their jobs!
That’s what we should expect, but we know that’s not what what’s going to happen. Our expectations are nothing more than pipe dreams.
We know that they will all lie just to get elected (or reelected). We know that the only the one who has the most money to spend will win (one has to be rich just to qualify – which already makes them out of touch with a majority of the electorate). We know much of the money they “generate” comes from donors who will “expect compensation” from them if they win. We know that whoever wins won’t do what they promised (they can’t). We know that once they’re elected they will go after money (lobbyists). We know they will do whatever they want, regardless of what the people want. We know that they will push their own agendas over the will of the voters. It’s just how it is. Over the years, the names change, but the actions don’t.
Why expect what you know you’ll never get? We have let things go on for so long that this is “normal” to us. We gripe, chalk it up to “politics”, and move on. We’ve allowed politicians to become gods. gods who hold us under their thumbs.
What we need to do is muzzle the candidates, plug up the money fountains (allow anyone to compere equally), and, once they're elected, hold them accountable for their actions or lack of actions. They are not gods. They’re public servants. They are hired by the people to serve the people – not themselves, not certain people, and not money. They are not put there to promote their religion, their ideals, or their own agendas. They are put there to serve – everyone!