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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A human is dying but the best surgeon in the world is unavailable at the moment. Do you get someone else to opeate NOW or wait and hope?

A human is dying but the best surgeon in the world is unavailable at the moment. Do you get someone else to opeate NOW or wait and hope?

That is what the dumba** pols are doing. The anti-lynching bill is not PERFECT so until it is they will do nothing about it at all but shoot it down.

Meanwhile lynch away. What's to stop you?

The schticky wicket perfectionists haven't a clue now stupid they are. Or perhaps they do and have no intention of ever passing an anti-lynching law. After all that would curtail white supremacists, the KKK and all the others who adore the tumbleweed and are all FASCHIST RACISTS( as is the weed)  from having a lotta fun stringing folks up. So slow walk it randt Slow walk it all you perfection insisters. Slow walk Slow walk it Slow walk it forever.

A lynching here a lynching there so what? Here a lynch there a lynch everywhere a lynch lynch lynch. As long as the tumbleweed is here HE HAS YOUR BACKS.

He has your backs. He has your backs. He has your backs. He has your backs.

Posted - June 9, 2020


  • 11009
    If it was old rich white men being lynched the bill would pass in a heart beat. Cheers!
      June 9, 2020 2:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) See why I value you? A very short sentence encapsulated everything Nanoose. Thank you for being you...involved interested curious analytical constant. What you say is oh so true. SIGH. When a little white girl goes missing the earth stops. When a little black girl goes missing no one notices but those who love her value her want her. Will it ever change? I see no reason for it to change. People are what they always were. if they were going to change for the better they would have done so by now. They haven't they don't they won't. :(
      June 9, 2020 2:28 PM MDT

  • 33929
    All they have to do is make the bill clearly define what they are making a crime.  So an over-zealous PA cannot put someone in prison for life over a fight.  Which would be possible the way the  bill it written currently. 
      June 9, 2020 3:36 PM MDT