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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Bunker boy campaign rally attendance WAIVER. You will hold him HARMLESS for whatever happens to you when you attend. GONNA SIGN IT?

Bunker boy campaign rally attendance WAIVER. You will hold him HARMLESS for whatever happens to you when you attend. GONNA SIGN IT?

You do not get in UNLESS you sign that waiver. You get virus and die no suing anyone. IT'S ALL ON YOU!

Good ta know. Added layer of covering his corpulent arse. Just in case ya know. Gotta cover his corupulent arse at all times just in case.

Don't know if he will make your kids sign waivers too. I expect he will. Even infants in arms will have to make an X. Forwarned is forarmed. Your bunker boy has got your back.

Posted - June 12, 2020
