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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Gotta sign a disclaimer you won't sue bunker boy et al if you get Covid 19 at one of his rallies. Deadly serious folks. TWO-FACED SOB?

Gotta sign a disclaimer you won't sue bunker boy et al if you get Covid 19 at one of his rallies. Deadly serious folks. TWO-FACED SOB?

How come he is covering his a** in ADVANCE of holding the kumbayah hate rallies by DEMANDING any attendees sigh a document preventing them from suing for virus distribution?

Notice how two-faced forked tongue that is or will you sign it just because he wants you to sign and never go  further/farther or farther/further in your "thinking" to wonder why he needs to do that when he has moved on and doesn't worry about a dumb old virus?

Which two-faced view do you embrace or are you two-faced too? Just wondering.

How ya gonna WHADDABOUT that? How ya gonna defend support explain that? HOWYA GONNA HOWYA GONNA HOWYA GONNA hey hey hey? HOW?

Posted - June 12, 2020
