Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Oy vey! A group protests the "BLUE LIVES MATTER". Of course. Cops have the guns and the legal autrhority to murder. Isn't that ENOUGH?
Yes, there are some bad cops but to paint all cops as bad is not only unfair it is inaccurate. So why all the hatred towards the police? A couple of reasons are biased liberal media coverage and dedicated hate groups. The Internet trumpets hate for the police with a constant discordant presence. An Internet search for the word police plus corrupt, abuse, brutality, etc. will bring up not just random rants, but organized hate movements and lots of attorney advertisements. The sad part of this whole thing is that far too many individuals buy into this rhetoric.
Wrong. Cops have guns, but NOBODY has any legal authority to murder. Haven't you lived long enough to know that the vast majority of police don't go around shooting people for no reason just because they physically can? And haven't police ever helped you and/or members of your family out of a tight spot, such as car trouble or an accident?
And weren't you the person who, very recently, complained on here that you didn't appreciate being included in the ALL of ALL whites are racist, and how wrong it is to paint ALL members of any group with the same brush?
What's the point of ranting if you're the pot calling the kettle black?