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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The vic was RUNNING AWAY carrying only a taser gun(considered to be undeadly) when he was shot in the back and killed. Is it MURDER?

The vic was RUNNING AWAY carrying only a taser gun(considered to be undeadly) when he was shot in the back and killed. Is it MURDER?

How can someone carrying only a Taser gun who is RUNNING AWAY from you be a threat to you?

Are such cops frightened little babies who are scared of their shadows? Is the level of cop recruit at the bottom of the barrel EVERYWHERE? Or are the real bad cops generally found in the confederate south where anything or anyone black gets taken down? Just asking.

As world is still reeling from WORLDWIDE protests about police brutality and racism and the murder of George Flloyd another one happens. Not even the decency to wait awhile before the next murder. Not even the decency to give a chance for mourning one when another one hits the ground DEAD.

Shot in the back? Only COWARDS do that. Deadman had no deadly weapon. Racism and terror wins again. Ho hum. What's new? How's tricks?

Posted - June 14, 2020


  • 33927
    He was armed and ran away then turned around and POINTED the weapon AT the officer. 
    Is the officer now expected to let the drunk suspect shoot at him/her?  
    Do we expect the officer to know that the stolen Taser was the only weapon the drunk man had on his person.   
    Is an officer expected to allow him/herself to be tased? If so, does that apply to a knife as well. What other weapons are the officers expected to be subjected to before defending him/herself? 
      June 15, 2020 5:34 AM MDT