Geez Walt! What a SPECTACULAR idea. You mean have cops react the way we the regular folks react? RETREAT WHEN THREATENED WITH VIOLENCE? WHAT A NOVEL IDEA! I wonder why no one else has ever thought of that BEFORE? I have NEVER SEEN IT OR HEARD IT ARTICULATED SO well. WHY NOT? Because the cops are bunker boys and retreating threatens their MANHOOD? Anyway I LIKE IT! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
More likely, if police were subject to the same laws, those states would pass "castle doctrine" or "stand your ground" laws. But that would be good for the average citizen, since we would no longer have to attempt to escape from our own homes when threatened with violence.
It SHOULD BE simple but I think it isn't. You know why? Simple requires cooperation compromise working together toward a goal. We used to have that once upon a time long ago. During the Obama years that son of an itch MITCH vowed to make him a one-term prez and prevented him from choosing A SCOTUS judge to replace scalia. A special place in HE** is being reserved for good old mitch. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)