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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is the American Presidency really "The Hardest Job in the World"? If so shouldn't we elect superb humans to handle it well? Is trump SUPERB?

Is the American Presidency really "The Hardest Job in the World"? If so shouldn't we elect superb humans to handle it well? Is trump SUPERB?

If so please count the ways in which trump is truly superb.

If not why did you settle for less than superb?

Posted - June 17, 2020


  • 10692

    It’s a very taxing job.

    For one thing, no matter what you do, not everyone will be “pleased”.   Half of the people you work with don’t like you (wrong party?).  Then there’s the massive responsibility on your shoulders -   Not only are you responsible for every citizen in your country, you’re also responsible for your citizens when they’re in other countries (visiting, working, etc.).  You’re also responsible for the military, the economy, 50 bickering states (plus territories), as well as your own family.  At any moment, you might have to make a decision that will cause the death of some people.  Don’t forget the “neighbors”.  You have to constantly deal with foreign nations - enemies and allies (keep the allies happy while keeping the enemies from attacking).  Your every move is constantly under scrutiny.  You can never have any “peace and quiet” (me time). 

    It’s no wonder a presidents hair turns gray while they're in office.

      June 17, 2020 3:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Which leads me to ask "is everyone who seeks being President crazy?" Who would logically WANT a job like that? Is it EGO that drives them? There are many ways one can distinguish oneself in life. Stand out. Contribute. Why choose that? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday! :)
      June 18, 2020 2:30 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Answer your own question. Nobody "settled" for him any more or less than you did.
      June 17, 2020 3:42 PM MDT