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The police are called in to show up for things that ARE NOT CRIMINAL. For example?

The guy asleep in his car blocking the drive through. Why didn't management knock on the window wake him up and help him to move the car to a parking space in the parking lot? Why was the automatic response to call the cops? I don't get it. He should not have been driving while drunk. He wasn't. He was smart enough to either sleep it off or pass out from being drunk. That was preferable to driving while drunk as a skunk and killing someone.

Did the Wendy's people think at all about options? Why was the first and only option to CALL A COP?

Posted - June 17, 2020


  • 10795

    Because ordinary people don’t have any authority. 

    In a perfect world, one could ask another to move as they were blocking the driveway and the person would move (and maybe even apologize).  But this aint no prefect world!  9 times out of 10, the offender either ignores the request or tells the other person to “F-off”.  What’cha gonna do about it?  Unless the asker is stronger than the offender is, they have little recourse than to walk to wherever it is they wanted to go (might makes right).  Or, they could get a gun and shoot the offender.  Problem solved.  Case closed. 

    Sad to say, but many people are a-holes.  They think they can do whatever they want to with no consequences (it's their "right").  How many times are we told NOT to drive while intoxicated?  Any correspondence from the DMV comes with a flier stating at what point a person is legally drunk – in 2 languages.  The law requires all advertising for alcohol to say, “Drive responsibly.  Don’t drive while intoxicated”.   One can hear a PSI about it on TV nearly every day (especially during holidays).   Yet even with all this, more than 4 million people still drive drunk in the US every year.  In California alone, over 10,000 people die from an “encounter” with a drunk driver each year.  People do not listen. 

    People who are under the influence (alcohol or drugs) can do some prey scary things.  Some carry needles or weapons, while some are simply obstinate.  On top of that, they can have diseases that they’d love to “share” (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis).  Personally, I don’t want to be around people like that, let alone have to ask one of them to get out of my driveway.   What if they aren’t dissipated?  What if they’re “mentally unstable”? Have you ever encountered a “crazy” person?   Sure, some may be harmless, but some are downright dangerous!  Who’s to say if the person you encounter is harmless or if they’ll try to kill you? 

    The police are the people we put in authority to take care of these matters and uphold the laws.  In other words, their job is to serve the public and keep them safe.  Otherwise, every Tom, Dick and Harriet would be a law unto themselves.

      June 17, 2020 3:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You make a very good case Shuhak. However yesterday among the people being interviewed on TV was an African American guy who said once upon a time the cop would drive the drunk person home. Cops and residents knew one another and would chat with one another so there was no "US and THEM" then. They looked out for one another. Today the first thing a cop does is go for the gun WITHOUT having any logical reason for doing it. Why? Because cops get away with murder literally. Juries are loathe to convict them. I have no idea why. Cops are treated as a "special" case and we are inundated with all the dangers they face and they are justified rationalized signed sealed delivered and home free. That's the schtick we get when we bring out the terrible things they do. Defending defending defending and then insulting us for even daring to bring it up. I say bullsh** to that crap.  This time the other cop( vis a vis the shooting in the back TWICE as the vic was running away and WAS NEVER A THREAT) is going to be a witness against his partner. That other cop STOOD ON THE SHOULDERS OF THE MURDERED MAN after he was down shot and dying. The MURDERER was shown on tape KICKING THE DOWNED MAN he shot twice in the back as he lay there DYING. That is if the partner cop who is going to be a witness for the prosecution survives to testify. Cops can be as lowdown skunks as hit men. They stick together and will have no problem "taking out" one of their own if one of their own decides to do the right thing and TELL THE TRUTH. So we shall see. I think a lot of wackadoodle crackpot RACIST gunpeople are drawn to jobs that authorize them to carry loaded guns and shoot to kill. How else do you explain the terrible tragedies? In the midst of the worldwide angst vis a vis the George Floyd MURDER these two dingbat crackpot idiot imbeciles MURDER another black man who was no threat to them. Stone deaf. Blind. Mushbrained idiots. Paying no attention to what was going on around them. The murderer saw a chance to murder another black man and took it. Crap cops should never be hired. They should be weeded out at the outset. Why aren't they? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. There are fine cops. In my life I've had occasion to encounter a few of them who were always very kind and helpful and a couple went out of their way to help me. But I AM A WHITE WOMAN. If I were a black man I might be dead in which case I would not be here talking to you. We will never know. This post was edited by RosieG at June 18, 2020 1:11 PM MDT
      June 18, 2020 3:32 AM MDT

  • 10795

    Bingo!  (*applause*)

    Not only is it how it used to be, but it’s what it still should be!!   

    Yes, we treat police as it they are "infallible" (yea, gods?).   But we turned a blind eye as police forces turned into militaries.  We turned a blind eye as police unions made it nearly impossible to administer disciplinary action.  We refused to allow criminals to be punished (give ‘em a slap on the wrist an let ‘em go).  We complained as crime increased.  We voted in bonds to give police more money (In theory to hire more officers, but as we can see it was used otherwise).   We wanted the police to be armed to the teeth (for their own protection).  Now some police officers strut around like roosters.  They talk and act tough, like a bully on a school playground.  We kept trying to ignore the warning signs (brutality, racism, etc.), saying it was only a few isolated incidents.  Now look where we are. 

      June 18, 2020 1:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Many if not most cops are mini trumps. Full of themselves because they are so very insecure and frightened they are compelled to be weaponized to keep their demons at arm's length. If you have a weapon you USE IT as often as you can to establish your MANHOOD as strut your stuff all the while terrified inside that anyone notices. I wonder percentage wise how many female cops murder, whom they murder and do they always get it away with it too? Gonna ask. Thank you. My father thanks you my mother thanks you my sister thanks and I thank you! :)
      June 19, 2020 3:59 AM MDT

  • 35039
    The Wendy's employee tried to ask him to move. But could not wake him. (Passed out) And got him to at least look at him. But he still did not move his car. 

    Here a part of the 911 call: 
    "I tried to wake him up, but he's parked dead in the middle of the drive-thru, so I don't know what's wrong with him," the caller in the 911 recording says. "He woke up, looked at me and I was like, 'You got to move out of the drive-thru.' Because people can't — they're going around him."

    We do not normally call the police directly. We call 911 and the dispatcher sends who they feel from the information given is the appropriate first responder...police, fire, emt. 

    If this man had simply not drove drunk, he would be alive today. Has he simply not resisted arrest, he would be alive today. Had he not pointed a deadly weapon (taser is considered a deadly weapon in GA) at an officer, he would be alive today. 

    People need to be taught that if you resist arrest, if you try to harm an officer, things could/will likely turn out bad for you. 

    I have explained this to my children. Even if the officer is wrong, especially if he is wrong, do not fight or confront him. That is how people end up shot.  Wait and we will file a complaint against him later. 
      June 18, 2020 5:46 AM MDT