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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Bolton book ain't an homage to trump. He pulls off all the makeup and shows you what trump is. A beggar. WHAT?

The Bolton book ain't an homage to trump. He pulls off all the makeup and shows you what trump is. A beggar. WHAT?

He begged Russia. He begged China. He attempted to BEG Ukrtaine to help him win a presidential election.

Now John Bolton is an extremely CONSERVATIVE Republican. Think he made up anything in the book? If so you mean to tell me/us that EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS lie? Or is it only the pretenders who do?

At a few times along the way trump has been exceedingly unctuous fatuous over-the-moon outlandishly complimentary about the Chinese president Xi. Same about the former KGB head..vlad. Tried it with Ukraine and got caught with his pants down. BIGTIME.

Imagine being so insecure and unsure that you have to BEG world leaders to help you win a domestic election because you aren't good enough to do it on your own merits since all you have are demerits?

Beggar boy groveling at the feet of world leaders to help him win a domestic election. That should be humiliating embarrassing and make any normal person feel ASHAMED.

That's what happens when to try to MAKE WHOOPEE in the shadows. Someone is always there watching and listening and willing to testify to what you did what you said. UNDER OATH.

Posted - June 18, 2020
