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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "It's not OK to touch my hair". SAID by a black TV writer (the series is called DEAR WHITE PEOPLE).OMG! WHY?

"It's not OK to touch my hair". SAID by a black TV writer (the series is called DEAR WHITE PEOPLE).OMG! WHY?

Because a few months ago waiting in line for assistance at our local MAIL DEPOT I did just that. Oh. I asked if I could and she graciously said yes. Her hair was done so beautifully..almost like a piece of art. It fel smooth and silky. I admired it a lot.

Now I also have done that with a white lady. Her hair was so beautifully silky and curly it begged to be touched. I told her the truth. I have always lusted after having naturally curly hair. Mine has always been naturally straight. She smiled and said of course. I also told her if she ever got tired of having that hair and wanted to trade to let me know. Of course she broke out laughing at that.

Now I would never ever have had the nerve to do that when I was younger. NEVER. But I find as I've gotten older I've gotten braver. I figger what's the worst thing they can do to me? I can't think of a worst thing actually. In general the people I've ever come in contact with have been very kind. I think some are very kind to old people and cut us a lot of slack.

Maybe I'm lucky in that somehow I sense who would be open to it. There are some folks I would not DARE engage with. So I don't.

Confessions as I age? I'm not Catholic so we don't have a routine for expiating your sins if indeed my sin is bad enough to expiate.

It could also be that I've become more than a little bit "dotty". It's hard to self judge objectively.


Posted - June 18, 2020
