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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Many former "advisors" have trashed trump. Bolton's book says "he is unfit for office". If he knew that why didn't he TESTIFY TO IT?

Many former "advisors" have trashed trump. Bolton's book says "he is unfit for office". If he knew that why didn't he TESTIFY TO IT?

What kinda cockamamie CONSERVATIVE Republican who sees himself as being VERY PATRIOTIC would tolerate working for trump KNOWING he was UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT? Was Bolton planning on writing a tell-all book from the very beginning?

Who knows but all those guys who knew the mental state of trump and tried to stop him from blowing up the country through incompetence and ignorance were enablers and facilitators. They SHOULD HAVE BLOWN THE WHISTLE THEN and resigned. They didn't. WHY?

The trump has not learned anything nor has he "grown into" the presidency. He has engaged in selfish endeavors from day one and still does to this very day. Shame on all of them for doing saying nothing for so long. FOR SHAME.

Posted - June 18, 2020
