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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Someone ought to inform trump that his ego hate rallies are a great gift to the Dems and to Joe Biden. Why?

Someone ought to inform trump that his ego hate rallies are a great gift to the Dems and to Joe Biden. Why?

Thousands jammed together indoor cheering shouting droplet sharing in city after city after city?

The perfect worst care scenario for spreading the virus.

Those of his fans who get ill will be in the hospitals on ventilators trying to stay alive. If they survive they will still vote for trump of course. But how many will be much too ill to get out of bed or sadly even die?

So in a way these ego hate rallies are doing two things...satisfying trump's ego/his supporters while simultaneously potentially drastically lowering the number of people who will be well enough and still alive to vote for trump.

The trump is quite inadequate at foreseeing the consequences of his actions. He wants what he wants when he wants it and that's that.

How many ego hate rallies can trump fit in until November? If the number of attendees start dwindling DRASTICALLY he may get a clue that what he did was stupid but as usual it will be after the fact and too late to matter. Stay tuned. It's gonna get real interesting.

Posted - June 18, 2020
