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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever beg for help? Ever grovel and beseech and prostate yourself? Allegedly per Bolton trump did exactly that with China's Xi. Imagine that?

Ever beg for help? Ever grovel and beseech and prostate yourself? Allegedly per Bolton trump did exactly that with China's Xi. Imagine that?

Allegedly trump begged Xi to buy more soybeans and grain because trump desperately needed the farm vote?

Imagine waxing poetic about how great a man Xi was/is calling him the best leader China ever had? That was then. What's going on now?

I dunno. I think begging for anything is diminishing. ESPECIALLY if it for self-aggrandizement self-promotion selfish and self-centered.

Begging for someone's life? Don't know if that ever worked but if it did at least it would be begging on behalf of good for others and not self.

Posted - June 19, 2020
