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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here is the thing most troubling to me and maybe to thee as well. How could such fine people leave gubment service and keep mum?

Here is the thing most troubling to me and maybe to thee as well. How could such fine people leave gubment service and keep mum?

All of them have indicated the degree of inadequacy(intellectually morally spiritually) on every level they saw in trump. Yet not one of them spoke up and out AT THE TIME to sound the alarms. Not one. Why the code of silence DURING A TIME WHEN SOMETHING MIGHT HAVE BEEN DONE TO CHANGE IT?

Sure we heard this and that about it. Abject stupidity uncontrolled temperamental outbursts absurd demands here and there. But no one with credibility ever quit and gave a news conference outlining the degree of terrible trump is IN REAL TIME.

I don't get it. If they have honor integrity and are very well respected why didn't they do a BOLTON immediately? Why even wait for a book to come out? Why not have a news conference outlining all the dings the dingbat is and has? Why why why why why why?

Bolton could have testified during the impeachment. Might have made a difference. Maybe it wouldn't have being as how the toady sycophant spineless eunuch scairdy cat Republican Senators are loathe to do/say anything that would anger trump. Another one of life's mysteries.

Posted - June 19, 2020
