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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Eager beavers. The trump supporters are swarming into Tulsa lilke honey bees looking for their honecomb home. They are so cute. Right?

Eager beavers. The trump supporters are swarming into Tulsa lilke honey bees looking for their honecomb home. They are so cute. Right?

So energetic enthusiastic full of vim and vinegar and sugar and spice and everything nice and snails and puppy dog tails.

A few Tulsans interviewed are not so hot about. All these STRANGERS floodinginto their town which is on a HUGE SURGE right now of COVID 19 which the STRANGERS will exacerbate so great. Why would Tulsans or anyone wand them around? Yet on and on they come.

Posted - June 19, 2020
