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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Less than 1/3 full" per the Tulsa Fire Departmnet. What? The trump arena. Do the math. Capacity 19,000. 1/3 full. HUMILIATING?

"Less than 1/3 full" per the Tulsa Fire Departmnet. What? The trump arena. Do the math. Capacity 19,000. 1/3 full. HUMILIATING?

In RUBY-RED tulsa where the trump WON by 36 points in 2016?

The trump can't run on the economy. It has tanked bigly.

It was all he had and that's gone.

So where does he go and what does he say now?  He can go back to that same old well that worked so well for him in 2016. Russia is already working on electing him. His liar spreaders never stopped lie spreading. So well then he can pull out the 2016 script and attack Hillary Clinton. That worked for him then it could work for him again. Will he won't he? Shill he shon't he? Can he cont he? Mystery.

Posted - June 22, 2020


  • 33921
    No. 6200 scanned ticket. 
    There are nearly 40 private suites all were taken up. Those people were NOT scanned. And any political people/family/staff etc were also NOT scanned.

    If you figure that in you easily get to approx 1/2 full. 
    Which was estimated by at.least on news outlet. 

    As is easily seen here. 
      June 22, 2020 7:28 AM MDT

  • 33921

      June 22, 2020 8:03 AM MDT