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What do you think it means when a company you're doing business with tells you that you're ELIGIBLE for an UPGRADE?


Well, as your average consumer, I thought it meant that I was gonna get a discount of some sort, or a step up in quality or comfort for the same money..   

The AT&T website said I eligible for an upgrade..  When I texted them, they said I was eligible for an upgrade..  So, when my phone went kaput, you can imagine my excitement about the riches that were gonna befall me at the AT&T store..  When I got there, the guy took my phone number and entered it on his tablet..  Then he asked for my drivers license and he scanned that in.  I thought, wow..  With all this  rigamarole, I must be eligible for some super duper upgrade..

But, no.  T
urns out, there IS no upgrade.. There IS no discount..  There IS no step up.  Oh, they'll be HAPPY to SELL me a phone at RETAIL, but it has to be on CREDIT at their high interest rate..  When I offered to PAY cash for the phone, they told me I'd have to go to the Apple store for that..  They don't SELL phones outright..   So, the only UPGRADE they had for me is the pleasure of doing business with them..  A guy off the street with NO phone and NO drivers license would get the SAME deal they were offering me..

As I was about to storm out, I asked the guy if he ran a clothing store, and I came in to buy a suit, would he call that an upgrade??  With NO hesitation, he said yes..


Posted - October 4, 2016


  • 5808
    bottom line
    it's all about the extra $ they can get out of you. This post was edited by Baba at October 4, 2016 9:27 AM MDT
      October 4, 2016 9:26 AM MDT

  • 34957
    That they want to extend the contract and charge me extra somewhere.  Nothing is free.

    I don't do contract phones anymore.  I buy my phone with cash or credit. I usually use Virgin Mobile.  I pay $35.00 per month unlimited everything.
      October 4, 2016 9:43 AM MDT

  • 5835
    The only thing I want in a telephone is a telephone number. I deal with Tracfone and I pay $6.50 a month.
      October 4, 2016 7:02 PM MDT