Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The trump stole $2.5 billion from the Defense Budget to use for his ego wall. THAT WAS STRUCK DOWN SO HE CAN'T. Why doesn't HE pay for it?

The trump stole $2.5 billion from the Defense Budget to use for his ego wall. THAT WAS STRUCK DOWN SO HE CAN'T. Why doesn't HE pay for it?

It's HIS ego wall.  Why doesn't he pay for it out of his own pocket then take it as a tax write off or charitable contribution? It doesn't have to be legal. Nothing he does ever is. Why start now?

But you don't mess with the Congressional budget authority..SOLE AUTHORITY to decide what will be spent and where. Even the trump doesn't get to screw around with that.

So he will undoubtedly SCOTUS this too since every time he gets SMACKED DOWN he runs to SCOTUS expecting them to roll over for him. Maybe the third time will be the charm. He got SMACKED down by SCOTUS on the LGBTQ issue. He got SMACKED down by SCOTUS on DACA. He might not get SMACKED down on stealing money from Congressional budgets.
SCOTUS may roll over lie down beg play dead for him on that. What does he have to lose? What could it hurt? With his mafia consigliari billybarrroycohn  hitman  thugging for him why not try it?

Posted - June 27, 2020
