Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "Citing 'irrational fears' of killer pandemic REPUBLICANS fight face masks in congress." Irrational fears? Aren't the fighters IRRATIONAL?
Well, if you call 120,000+ 125,500+ deaths from the virus irrational, I guess they have a point. For most of them, the point is at the top of their heads.
This post was edited by SpunkySenior at June 28, 2020 12:01 PM MDT
I've heard of it but didn't know what it referred to L. Thank you for the definition and also for the nifty reply. As usual! :):):):):) Happy Monday! :)
Guess what L? It rained a bit today and the high will be 77! On the cusp of JULY in southern California? Sheesh. Well so I'm making a killer vegetable Minestrone soup and with it our favorite bread with sliced tomatoes and extra sharp cheddar cheese on top under the broiler! The BROILER! On June 29 I can turn the oven on and the BROILER? I don't remember an ever before I could do that. Meanwhile parts of Massachusetts got 5 inches of rain! How are you doing weather-wise? Every day in every way stuff gets weirder. We just go with it! Can you imagine eating a bowl of soup on a summer's day in LA (well Hemet)? Me too neither. Will wonders ever cease? Thank you for your reply! :)
I'm glad you have some respite from the heat and the arid weather. Here it's been sunny and hot - upper 80s and 90 in Cetral Park over the weekend. We had some thunderstorms yesterday but nothing to write home about. The humidity is the killer and the air quality has been either fair or poor. It was kind of nice early this morning when I woke up, but it's 88 now and I can't imagine consuming anything hot!
That's one good thing about heat in southern California. It's always VERY DRY not humid and it makes a big difference comfortwise. Right now it's 75 and very pleasant. No air conditioning needed today. But next Sunday? 99! SIGH. Thank you for your reply L! :)
Right now, it's 77 degrees, mostly sunny and the humidity left with the thunderstorms we had yesterday. The air quality is also excellent which we haven't seen in a couple of weeks. It's expected to be around 83 this afternoon which is most pleasant when the humidity is low and there's a nice breeze. No air conditioning today.
Our high is forecast to be 90. We got a small surprise rainstorm yesterday for about an hour. Then it disappeared and we had beautiful skies all day long. I think the high was around 75. We go to Walmart this morning then pop in to just mail some bills then home. We love routine L. I always have loved it. Like a security blanket or something. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
They predicting thunderstorms for the rest of the week here. I have some errands to run after "work" and I need to hit the post office to mail some things out. Other than that, nothing specific.
Stay dry m'dear. STAY SAFE! Just heard that as things are going now in L.A. we will be right back to where we were at the height of its worst and beds may be too few. So was all of what we already experienced for nothing? I dunno. :(
I am doing my best to stay safe. Yes, things in LA are not good. I hope it's not too late to make somewhat of a reversal, but I'm not sure it isn't already out of control.