Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'ALL are gonna love the he** outta this next one. TRUST ME. Lawmakeres in Canada and Scotland use the USA as an example of guess what?

Y'ALL are gonna love the he** outta this next one. TRUST ME. Lawmakeres in Canada and Scotland use the USA as an example of guess what?


Only two countries out of all the bazillions there are think to point out how horrible a job the USA did is amazing considering that all the others did a much better job (excluding Brazil..they screwed up bigly too).

See? I told ya! You do LOVE it right?

Dozens and hundreds of other countries could use us as a BAD EXAMPLE too.

The poster child for WHAT NOT TO DO. With the picture of trump right there too. After all gotta give credit where credit is due even if you don't want to. Well I want to. Why punich trump just because he ain't my cuppa tea. He DESERVES the recognition for enabling facilitating our nation's condition. MOre power to him. Way to go big boy! Way ta go!

Posted - June 28, 2020
