Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly anyone can be bought. They just differ in the price to buy them. Well can any truthteller become a TOADY SYCOPHANT?

Allegedly anyone can be bought. They just differ in the price to buy them. Well can any truthteller become a TOADY SYCOPHANT?

A great example? Lindsay Graham

Early on he warned of the character or lack thereof about the trump The DANGER of having him as a prez candidate. In no uncertain terms. He did not use gentle words or polite or respectful or tempered or calm. He laid it all in harsh and real terms. Excoriated trump. No doubt about it. It's on tape so we get to see it regularly. Fast forward to now? Obsequious toady.

The sad thing is that it was far worse than the worst described by graham. The reality of the actuality? Unimaginably worse.

Lindsay called it early on. Then he wormturned after the death of his friend John McCain. I've always wondered about that timing. If John McCain were still alive would lindsay graham have stayed honest? John's death so shook graham that he caved and turned into just another republican toady?

Posted - June 29, 2020
