Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's odd though. That anyone would support a man who takes in stride the killing of American troops based on bribery. WHAT WAS THAT AGAIN?

It's odd though. That anyone would support a man who takes in stride the killing of American troops based on bribery. WHAT WAS THAT AGAIN?

Yep. You read that rite wright right.

The Russian former head of KGB now the "head" of Russia paid bribes(bounties) to militants to KILL TROOPS..American, British, you name it.

The trump knows all about it. The trump says he doesn't. Same song same key same delivery.

The trump has bond with the former head of KGB that is unbreakable and also unfathomable. It is far stronger than any loyalty the trump would feel for his country and its citizens. He makes that obvious on any occasion he can. No worries.

He stands by not batting an eyelash.

We ask what will it take for his adoring worshippers to see the man as he is and abandon him?

There is no known answer to that question. If there is then it resides in another dimension or in THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

Very truly yours,

ramblling rosie

Posted - June 29, 2020
