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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I guess you don't have to be "CAKE" person to have a favorite or remember which particular cake was the most delicious you ever ate. Do you?

I guess you don't have to be "CAKE" person to have a favorite or remember which particular cake was the most delicious you ever ate. Do you?

Posted - July 2, 2020


  • 16670
    My daughter does cheesecake to die for. A year ago, for my 50th birthday, she made a Mars cheesecake (choc/caramel, with small pieces of that chocolate bar in the cake and decorated with them as well).
      July 2, 2020 4:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did she create that recipe just for you R? Sounds SCRUMPTIOUSLY delish! I LOVE the New York style cheesecake. Very dense and smooth. In fact once upon a time long ago I made one from a recipe I had and it turned really well! But having your daughter make it for you? What could be better! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! All is well "down under"? STAY SAFE.
      July 2, 2020 4:38 AM MDT

  • 16670
    I believe she had seen it done somewhere and tried to duplicate it. But sans a recipe, so she pretty much concocted it as she went. Continental, of course - neither of us like baked cheesecake.

    You stay safe too, I've heard some pretty horrible things about the spread of the coronavirus in California. We've had no new cases in my home state of South Australia for more than a month, so some things are starting to open up again. The border to Victoria remains closed - they haven't got it under control there.
      July 3, 2020 5:38 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It's so scary R. Our guv did the right thing. Shut us down in mid-March. Slowly began to open up but the beach/bar crowd? Well I'm thinking they're young and braindead so they frolicked about with masks or social distancing and here we are back at square one or maybe worse. SIGH. I'm glad your gubment is SANE and cares about the people. It is shamefully embarrassing that we are low man on the totem pole vis a vis intelligent handling of this. The trump still insists it will go away. He heads for a fundraiser in Florida next week. Will attendees DARE to wear masks in his presence or social distance? Sheesh! Thank you for your reply. It blows me over that where you are there have been no new cases for over a month! Lucky you! :) Unlucky us! :( Gonna brag on ya! :)
      July 3, 2020 5:50 AM MDT