Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The situation viruswise is so bad in L.A. it could cost you $500 if you are caught outside without a mask. Doing wrong is costly ain't it?

The situation viruswise is so bad in L.A. it could cost you $500 if you are caught outside without a mask. Doing wrong is costly ain't it?

Posted - July 3, 2020


  • 10691

    The only thing people understand is money.  So the best way to get a person to comply is to hit them in the wallet.  You can tell people not to do something over and over and over until your blue in the face, but they just won’t comply.  They need an incentive.  Just like speeding, you give them a ticket and they’re usually are a bit more cautious about their speed… well, at least for a few days, anyhow.  Oh, they’ll b!tch and moan about it and even threaten to sue, but if the courts stand the ground and uphold the law, people will start to comply.   Because of high fines, we now wear seatbelts, put our children in cart seats, wear helmets when riding a bicycle, and, for the most part, drive around 65-70 mph.  The same will happen with wearing a mask.   It’ll take time, but eventually most people will comply.

      July 3, 2020 5:11 PM MDT

  • 113301
    All of that legislation and mandatory stuff is done to PROTECT US. Why do stupid dumbs have such a problem with that? I don't get it. You give them important info about the need for eating healthy food, getting exercise, etcetera and you get smacked down hard for your NERVE in trying to tell them how to live! I swear these folks are wired very weird! Michelle Obama got a rash of you know what when she wanted kids to know where vegetables come from and worked on vegetables gardens or in getting kids to move move, exercise. Irate parents (obese and sickly themselves I betcha) scolded her for her nerve in trying to tell them anything about how to make their children healthier. What is wrong with them? Stupid dumb will always prefer to remain stupid dumb majoring in IGNORANCE and so they do! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      July 4, 2020 4:11 AM MDT