Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Russia and China are building HYPERSONIC WEAPONS. Are we? What's the big deal? What does HYPERSONIC do that normal SONIC doesn't?
Russia and China are building HYPERSONIC WEAPONS. Are we? What's the big deal? What does HYPERSONIC do that normal SONIC doesn't?
Guess you figured out I have no idea what a hypersonic weapon is. Do you know? If so will you share the info to educate me and others like me? Sounds real impressive.
In aerodynamics, a hypersonic speed is one that greatly exceeds the speed of sound, often stated as starting at speeds of Mach 5 and above. Speed of sound is around 767 miles/hour. That is Mach 1.
So a hypersonic weapon is one that travels faster than 3,835 miles/hour.
What's the advantage? Less time for the target to react.
The disadvantage is hypersonic weapons are generally larger (and thus easier to intercept) or carry a smaller warhead (and thus have less "punch").
Thank you for your informative and helpful reply Walt. So it's your choice. You are the decision maker. Do you opt for the advantage or the disadvantage? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 3, 2020 5:56 PM MDT
If it were MY choice ... I'd go with advancing laser and "railgun" technology. As well as technology to detect and intercept enemy weapon systems, of course.
"Railgun" technology? VASS ISS DISS Walt? Never heard of it before. The way things are going now what are the chances that "the powers that be" would be remotely interested in funding/pursuing it? Thank you for your reply! :)
A "railgun" uses powerful magnets (rather than gunpowder) to fire a shell. The US Navy is pursuing the technology, and actually has a ship on test runs. The Chinese are also pursuing the technology. I'm guessing for shore guns, which they could use to control the China Sea.
In theory; You can also place "railguns" in space, and drop the shell (aka "rod") on a target on Earth ... and it could hit with the force of an atomic bomb, without all the nasty radiation. I'm also guessing the Chinese would pursue this option, especially if they succeed in their stated goal of having a base on the Moon.
I had to ask! Sheesh. Something new and improved to worry about! It sounds awful. Wait a minit. A magnet draws things to it. How can it propel anything? Oh dear. Now you have to explain that! Neverending questioning. So this is the kind of stuff the world leaders occupy themselves with to what end? For what purpose? Defending or attacking? Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Independence from King George Day! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 4, 2020 3:58 AM MDT
WHOA! I clicked on the link and tried to read it ever so slowly to absorb the information realizing full well I might have to read it a few times. After a few minutes my brain froze Walt. I can't explain it to you any better than that. It's like it put up a wall and wouldn't let anything through except gibberish. I thank you very very much for going to all this trouble for me and I will keep coming back to it. I don't have the scientific background to really understand it thoroughly but if I keep at it over time I might get a better handle on it. Having the photo helps to get a mental grasp of it. Gosh the link alone is terrifying! Thanks again m'dear. Happy Monday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE!