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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have any of you had the Covid 19 test? Did you have to wait long? Did it hurt? How long did it take/how long did you wait for the results?

Have any of you had the Covid 19 test? Did you have to wait long? Did it hurt? How long did it take/how long did you wait for the results?

Posted - July 7, 2020


  • 2094
    Well Rosie, to state flat out, I was upper respiratory sick two and a half months ago. Being paranoid about covid catching, I went to the hospital and they said: You don't have influenza and you don't have coronavirus. You have broncitis. Phoooooooooooooooooo! That was my test. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at July 9, 2020 2:57 PM MDT
      July 7, 2020 7:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    THANK GOODNESS m'dear! THANK GOODNESS! Keep it up CW! Keep it up. Well Jim and I are in our 80's and so far we are just masking gloving social distancing when we MUST leave the house. Otherwise we stay safe here at home. Thank you for your helpful reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
      July 7, 2020 7:48 AM MDT

  • 7939
    I didn't test when I was sick in May because I was too sick to drive myself to a testing site. :o

    However, a friend of mine went into the ER for an unrelated issue a little under two weeks ago and they tested him anyway. He had his results before he left that day.

    Another friend of mine works for a large corporation and he coughed at work last Monday. They sent him home and told him he couldn't return for two weeks or until he had a negative COVID test. No testing site could get him in before Thursday and they told him it could take ten days to get the results back. He said it felt weird and was a little uncomfortable, but not painful. To be honest, the process sounded a whole lot like getting a Pap smear, but in your nose. lol 

    That sounds crazy to me. What ever happened to this abundance of testing we were supposed to have? 
      July 7, 2020 8:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is an excellent question JA. In april the trump said anyone who wants a test can get one. He keeps saying that and it keeps not being true. Do you know if you had the virus and were lucky enough to have survived it on your own? What worries me is the lasting side effects that may damage your organs. There are some very bad mementos of having had it that not all but some have to live with thereafter and so fingers crossed you'll stay okay assuming that was what you had.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! STAY SAFE!
      July 7, 2020 8:15 AM MDT

  • 7939
    I contacted several testing sites about getting an antibody test done and none would return my calls or messages. I also looked into plasma donation since they're looking for people who have recovered from COVID but they won't do an antibody test to confirm- they require you to have had a positive COVID test in the past. So, there seems to be no way for me to confirm what I had right now. I hope to eventually confirm it though.

    I don't see how I could have had anything but COVID. I had all the symptoms and it had me bedridden for three solid weeks- longer before my energy came back. I've never been that sick in my life. Even pneumonia didn't keep me in bed. All the same, I think it's hit or miss how sick people get and, if it was COVID, I was probably one of the lucky ones.
      July 7, 2020 9:33 AM MDT