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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Maybe you can answer this question. Why do certain pols spend 24/7 insulting attacking the opposition?

Maybe you can answer this question. Why do certain pols spend 24/7 insulting attacking the opposition?

Why don't they rather spend all their time before an election informing us about what they plan to do for the country and the people?

Instead of the negative tack attacks why not go positive 24/7? Never mention your opponent. Only talk about your vision for the future? Of course you have to have a plan and a vision don't you? Stickey wicket if you no goals no plans no vision. I can see where someone could get DESPERATE and grasp at anything even that which ensures they will drown..

Posted - July 8, 2020


  • 2706
    Why do certain pols spend 24/7 insulting attacking the opposition? Simply put, politicians engage in negative attacks because they work. It's been that way since politics began. I would ask though, why do certain citizens (We The People) spend 24/7 insulting and attacking the opposition? Because they work? Or do the attacks by citizens differ from a politician's attacks?
      July 8, 2020 5:06 AM MDT