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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Two can play that game. So in this corner is Joe Biden and an as-yet unnamed dame. In the other corner? Donny trump and Sarah Palin?

Two can play that game. So in this corner is Joe Biden and an as-yet unnamed dame. In the other corner? Donny trump and Sarah Palin?

Why not? What could it hurt? The don would pull in those guys who dig hot dames which the Sara was thought to be back in the day. She is long in the tooth today of course but that can be fixed easy peasy breezy cheesy. Don't know what she looks like now but she can lose weight, work out, get a face lift and be the donny boy ace up his sleeve. Just a thought though the donny boy would probably like to have Ivanka as his veep. Well why not? She's old enough and a citizen. That's all it takes right? Old enough and a citizen? You can be a ditz and fit right in. Don't need to have accomplished anything with your life. Don't need to have contributed anything to the world. Just breathe look pretty and be obedient. Ivanka can do that.  Can Sarah Palin?

Posted - July 9, 2020


  • 16665
    He'll stick with Mickey. Sarah blotted her copybook by being even dumber than Dan Quayle.
      July 9, 2020 3:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Do you remember when Katie Couric asked her "what do you read regularly"? She was going for newspapers magazines and the like. The answer Palin gave was "everything". When Katie pushed her to be more specific she couldn't mention one thing as I recall..not one and it was so memorable. Pounce is trained to be very obedient so I guess he'll still be there. Allegedly he is supposedly "very devout" in his religious beliefs. I wonder what GOD he prays to? Thank you for your reply R and Happy Thursday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 9, 2020 6:28 AM MDT
      July 9, 2020 3:23 AM MDT