Was Hitler GOD'S instrument of salvation for the Germans who supported everything Hitler said and did?
I would think they'd have to because otherwise how could they reconcile the person who ordered the extinction extermination of six million human beings if they didn't believe that GOD was on their side and was all for it?
Fast forward. We KNOW the devout devoted support the current "leader" in america. They have told us so. They support defend justify rationalize everything this "leader" has done and said and tell us that GOD sent him to them to insure their salvation.
I believe the "instrument" itself has said "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE"
The more things change the more they stay the same. If you don't LEARN from history you are DOOMED to repeat it.
Allegedly. Supposedly. Purportedly.
They probably did. What better endorsement than saying “this is of God”?
God can and does use people and situations. Problem is no one can know for sure how (or even if) God is using said person or situation. No one knows the mind of God. The only way we can know for sure what God does is if He tells us. Since God only “speaks” through His word (the bible), that’s not going to happen (see Hebrews 1:1-2). However, when God uses use someone or something it may not always be for good, but for discipline. He also allows things to happen “naturally”, or as a result of our choices (free will). Not every earthquake, hurricane or forest fire that happens is necessarily sent from God as a punishment. Hurricanes are what He made to distribute heat in the oceans and to water certain lands. Earthquakes happen because God designed this earth to float on molten rock (due to the iron core and rotation, this gives the earth a magnetic field which shelters it from harmful rays from the sun and space). How He uses His creation is up to Him. God gave us free will. Sometimes people make bad choices, which cause others to suffer (such as the PG&E caused wildfires in Northern California).
Did God use Hitler to bless or to discipline? Is He using Trump to bless or to punish us? Or did we bring them on ourselves (by our choices)? Or maybe a little of both? No one can really say for sure. One thing that is for certain is that God has complete sovereignty over all. No one and no thing can escape His notice. Nothing can happen that He cannot control if He chooses. No one or no thing can ever stop any of His promises from occurring. We need to be careful when we say God is doing this, or God is behind so-and-so, because we really don’t know. And to presume we do is arrogance.