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Are the exotic concept cars at auto shows they never put into production operational? Who gets to drive them, keep them, enjoy them?

Posted - July 12, 2020


  • 10576

    Some yes, some no.  

    They are mostly for show.  Any driveline in them is from another auto.

    After their “life” is over, they are put in a private gallery, given away, or destroyed.

      July 12, 2020 1:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez Shuhak "destroyed"? Say it ain't so. Those cars are the ones they have roped off on a turning large pedestal. You can never get near them much less get into one and sit down. They're what I always go for. The standard ordinary typical everyday new model?  They all look alike to me after awhile. Just like at RV shows. After the sixth one they all look alike. But those concept cars? The stuff dreams are made of! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! STAY SAFE! :)
      July 13, 2020 3:02 AM MDT

  • 10576
    Most are just window dressing.  Many don't even have a drivetrain in them (they don't work).  Just a fancy looking chassis.
      July 13, 2020 2:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I  kinda figured that. Of course the market for such cars would be limited to the obscenely wealthy. But you know what? I probably couldn't handle a car like that drivingwise and I would be happy just to have the undriveable chassis parked in my driveway. Yes I just giggled at what I wrote but I'm serious. Just looking at it would delight me. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) Just thought of a question! I know. You're shocked right?
      July 14, 2020 2:55 AM MDT

  • 3719
    It's not only the big car-manufacturers who do that.

    One of the leading professional vehicle-builders at the height of custom-building in the 1970s was Ed Roth (a Californian, I think, but may be wrong there). 

    I recall a British custom-bike enthusiasts' magazine of the time interviewed him, revealing he had little time for the really wild bikes, trikes and cars that were works of art, but only that.

    Roth believed a custom vehicle should still be a useful, fully-functioning vehicle; and said many of the show-bikes especially would not only have been practically un-rideable anyway, but their engine cases were empty.  
      July 12, 2020 5:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Ed Roth.That name rings a bell and I've heard of him before but I don't recall in what context. So I guess it was what we're talking about now. Of course the very rich can have vehicles custom built. If you could have an auto custom built for you what would it have to do? What would it look like? For me it would be a Lamborghini type. I'm a Lambo gal. But they are so low-slung I doubt they'd be very comfy for an old lady like me. Still a thing of beauty it would be. Mine would be blue-gray with silver metalflakes in the paint.. I don't know if that would be street legal though because I expect it would be blinding in the sun. I' m going to ask. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply! When I watch movies that are decades old I'm shocked at how streamlined some of the cars were way back when.
      July 13, 2020 3:16 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I was always drawn to custom vans, because they could be practical accommodation for weekends away as well.

    The difficulty in Britain is getting custom vehicles on the road. I  believe if it's a radical build from chassis up it has to go through a special test to ensure its is roadworthy and obeys the Construction & Use Regulations, but the greater obstacles tend to be the none-too-bright managers of most motor-insurance companies. 

    Blue-grey with silver metalflakes...  Sounds good! It would shimmer in the sunlight but I doubt it would be hazardous.

    Those old cars  might have been streamlined, but streamlining does not make a huge difference below about 70mph, and anyway most ordinary saloon cars built back in the middle of the last century were so inefficient by modern standards that the bodywork shapes made little difference to the large fuel consumption. I think it was styling more than real stream-lining, and the aerodynamics of modern cars are much better but their styles are often very bland. 

      July 13, 2020 3:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The very first car I fell in love with was an XKE jaguar. Low-slung and sleek. It was love at first sight. My then-husband's cousin was married to a man who had one. He was born in Germany and I don't remember what his profession was but he was good at auto mechanics too. Ever since then I've noticed cars and some I find ugly and others are so dreamy. They appear to be speeding when parked. Aerodynamically I can't take my eyes off them. When my son graduated from high school I bought him a Bose sound system for his Volkswagon if you can believe that! He was in heaven and along with it they gave us a poster of a Lamborghini. I had it framed and it hung in his room. When he went off to college he gifted me with it because by then he knew I was in love with the car. One Christmas he gave me a book of Lamborghini's. Years ago in L.A. at the Auto show they had a separate section for Lamborghinis and it was roped off but oh my I was in heaven. There is just something there that calls to me. Of course other cars call to me as well. Concept cars are always streamlined and sadly unaccessible. Oh. Once upon a time I got a ticket for doing 80 mph in a 65mph zone but I was actually doing 90! There were cars in my wake speeding too and the cop pulled us over one by one and I as the leader was pulled over last. The road from Los Angeles to San Francisco (where my son lived for a few years) is very long and boring and twisty turny and empty usually. The 5 Freeway. I had the music on and was in a zone and didn't realize how fast I was going. Ever hear of lead-foot Rosie? That's me! I love to go fast but of course that love has been contained constrained for decades now. You become one with the road. It' s hard thing to describe unless you've been there. I always had a fantasy of driving a VW and having a monster engine beneath the hood. At a stoplight I'd eye the kid in the hot car next to me and he eyed what he thought was little old lady and when the light turned green I zoomed ahead so fast it would blow his doors off! Only in my dreams. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Durdle. You know it's very good to know that we can disagree heartily on some things and still get along quite well mostly despite that otherwise. You don't hold grudges and me too neither.. I appreciate that in you. Just so ya know! :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 14, 2020 2:50 AM MDT
      July 14, 2020 2:46 AM MDT