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Discussion » Questions » Family » Daddy dearest bailed Trump out repeatedly through the years. Daddy dearest saved Trump's a**. Daddy is the success, not Donny.. Didja know?

Daddy dearest bailed Trump out repeatedly through the years. Daddy dearest saved Trump's a**. Daddy is the success, not Donny.. Didja know?

Daddy dearest bailed Trump out many times. Over and over and over. He sent Donny away at age 13 to military school to "straighten him out". Maybe he felt guilty so he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for rejecting his son for bad behavior. Where would Donny be without his daddy's money?

Posted - October 6, 2016


  • 3523
    Later in life Donny Boy's banks bailed him out.  After Trump Tower, he couldn't put a good real estate deal together.  The banks that loaned him money chose to sell his name to other developers to cut their losses.  His name is on a lot of buildings he doesn't own, he's just the high profile face of these businesses - a kind of P.T. Barnum, a showman.  That's it!   This is according to PBS's Frontline report.  Now he's may take leadership of the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. What does that tell you?
      October 6, 2016 6:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That tells me that those who support him are not playing with a full deck of cards and they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. For 70 years Trump has been selfish/self-centered/self-involved. He has done everything and anything to make money.  His supporters BELIEVE he will suddenly stop focusing on what benefits him and do for them. They BELIEVE he will fix the tax codes and close loopholes. That is preposterous! His wealthy cronies would skin him alive if he were to do that. They BELIEVE he will bring jobs BACK to America. Well he has many things made in foreign countries so why doesn't he start with himself NOW and bring all those jobs back or better START BUYING AMERICAN-MADE GOODS? They do not connect the dots. They believe the flim-flam man no matter how absurd/outrageous/fantastical  a liar he is. He sucked up to Putin big-time and I cannot believe his worshipping adoring supporters/defenders still think that is swell  considering what Russia is doing in Aleppo. The American electorate..the part that adores/worships/supports/defends on something dangerous. I don't know what kind of drug it is but it will kill us . If they persist in this madness and elect him as prez we all fall down.  Destroying a country to elect a  dictatorial despotic ignorant arrogant self-serving blowhard is unbelievable! But it could happen! Imagine that? Thank you for your reply CMI and Happy Friday! :)
      October 7, 2016 2:31 AM MDT