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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sadly the United States has a rather large group of OBSTINATE STUBBORNS who refuse to do the right thing. Is that true of every country?

Sadly the United States has a rather large group of OBSTINATE STUBBORNS who refuse to do the right thing. Is that true of every country?

A hard core indifferent thoughtless uncaring throng mob who bull in a china shop their way through life preening and challenging and daring?

Are they all equally mentally defective or is the United States privileged to have most of them living here?

Why else is the United States the worst place to live vis a vis Covid 19? It isn't intelligence that is driving the rising cases and deaths.

The United states of dumb.  Some states are way dumber than others of course. But dumb is the state of millions. And getting dumber.

How the mighty have fallen. Once upon a time we used to be someone. Now we're bums to be mocked ridiculed laughed at dismissed for our stupidity in electing what we did and even worse supporting it.

As the sun sets so does the future of the once upon a time .

Posted - July 16, 2020


  • 17078
    I think so. Most of ours live in Melbourne.
      July 16, 2020 3:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahaha. Apologies R. I am very sorry for the upsurge upswing in Melbourne. But that you put a geographical location to it made me laugh. Would that we could! Ours are EVERYWHERE in EVERY STATE...some more than others. We designate them RED states where Republicans are in charge. They follow the trump without question. It's great that you can identify where most of them are and just STAY AWAY from there. We go out and about masked and gloved and social distance to the market which we will do today. They are around us and surround us and don't give a rat's a** about anything but listening to their MASTER'S VOICE. Guess hoo MASTER be? You guessed right! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday. Jim watches tennis matches all the time and it is SO WEIRD to see a few people there who are part of the operation. No fans anywhere. i wonder how that affects the players? Do they enjoy the quiet or do they miss the spectacle? Will we ever get back there to that place? STAY SAFE m'dear!
      July 16, 2020 3:22 AM MDT

  • 17078
    "Normal" won't return until a vaccine is developed and EVERYBODY gets it. No exceptions. The long-haired boffins are working around the clock (despite conservative governments cutting their funding), but haven't got there yet.
      July 16, 2020 3:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's the thing though. The virus today is not exactly the same as it was when it started. It keeps changing morphing transforming. The current version is more easily spread or so I've read. By the time we get a vaccine to what it was originally what will it have become? It's really confusing. Add to that the fact that some drugs take TEN YEARS to test and get to market. The various stages of trials it has to go through and then if it's approved the takers are tracked for a couple of years to see what the long-term effects might. Getting this drug to market too fast and we could compound the problem. Gosh R I wish I knew more about it. I was in a trial for Calcitonin years ago at Loma Linda Medical Hospital. Two years. For that one stage. It finally was approved and I think is being used. To strengthen bones. The long-term effects cannot be known short-term. So I think it's a lot more complicated than people know. TIME must be spent following the protocol and those who think a vaccine will be available by the end of the year might be right but I sure as he** won't want to have it injected in me. I'm old so it's no big deal. But even so I'd like to live as long as I can. You know? Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 16, 2020 3:33 AM MDT