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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Georgia bugner Braindead Kemp overrides all mandatory mask orders in state. Why oh why on why oh why?

Georgia bugner Braindead Kemp overrides all mandatory mask orders in state. Why oh why on why oh why?

Is Braindead Kemp boss of the entire state and can tell individual mayor to go to he** and they hafta go?

What's his pitch besides A**kissing the trump? Schlump chump.

Posted - July 16, 2020


  • It's the first thing ole Brian has gotten right since he took office. We were all more than relieved when he cut the rug out from under Mayor Hardie Davis in his grab for illicit authority and power. Typical of Dems in statehouses, mayor's offices and yes, even outhouses. Those folks just can't get it right. We're working overtime to undo his other major screw up, that being the appointment of Loeffler to the Senate. We'll get that right in November with the election of Doug Collins. 
      July 16, 2020 11:33 AM MDT