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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Did he do it yet? Did the trump INSIST putin had nothing to do with hacking Covid 19 research center sites? Any day now right?

Did he do it yet? Did the trump INSIST putin had nothing to do with hacking Covid 19 research center sites? Any day now right?

He has denied any involvement of putin in paying bounties to Afgham militarnts to MURDER us soliders at $100,000 a head though right? Definite for sure absolutely no link. If he hasn't then puin will be ticked of majorly at his puppet boy.

Why not a TWOFER?

The trump insists the putin had zero to do with bounty payying to kill American troops
zero to do with Covid 19 hacking of research centers.

Nuttin' honey. Pure as the driven snow. True straight arrow. The putin loves him. The purin would never doi anything to make the trump bad to anyone.

Wait for it. It's coming. Today maybe!

Posted - July 17, 2020


  • 44765
    When I heard about the hacking the first thing I thought was why don't we just give Russia the information. The second thought was no, we can't do that...the pharmaceutical companies would lose profits. So it's about politics and usual.
      July 17, 2020 8:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Same tune. Different words. The more things change the more they stay same. I'd ask why but who can answer such a question? Thank you for your reply E. Ten states has a one-day highs in death. I didn't look but I expect California is one of them. All we have to fight with is our words. Until they are deemed unlawful illegal. :(
      July 17, 2020 9:15 AM MDT