Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had with the mail carrier who delivers to your home? ~

What’s the worst experience you’ve ever had with the mail carrier who delivers to your home? ~

I can’t say I’ve ever had a negative  situation with one, but a neighbor of mine has dogs, and on more than one occasion, they have bitten mail carriers, so much so that the US Postal Service first of all places the address on a temporary ban; they had to go to the post office to pick up their mail. I can’t remember how long the ban lasted, maybe a couple of months, maybe six. When it was lifted, sure enough, another dog-bite incident, and the ban was back on, only permanently this time. For about the past four years, the neighbor has had to pick up mail at the post office. 

  I didn’t even know such a ban exits. 


Posted - July 17, 2020


  • 10780

    Besides delivering mail after 8pm?  Delivering packages to the wrong address. 

    Back in early October of 2019, our old mail carrier retired.  Her replacement … to put it mildly… sucked! Mail that used to be delivered between 2pm and 3pm now didn’t come until after 8pm – if at all.  Many times mail would stack up and be deceived all at once (crammed in the mail box) and was frequently delivered to the wrong address.  Every time the carrier did come, he was always talking on his phone (hands free).   All his calls were... shall we say… of a personal nature.   When Christmas came, he would deliver packages randomly just to get them out of the truck (and the post office backed him up on this making it the customer’s responsibility to find said packages and retrieve them themselves).  It’s now July and we have the same carrier (although hew was gone for a few weeks in February).  He now comes between 5 pm and 6 pm – and is still always talking on his phone.

      July 17, 2020 5:48 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Sonetimes, our carriers just throw all the mail for the four-family building on the floor of the foyer in an unsorted pile instead of placing the mail for each apartment in the appropriate box. The boxes have a fluorescent light above them, and a carrier once swung the front door open so hard that it smashed the light bulb to smithereens. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at July 18, 2020 10:22 AM MDT
      July 18, 2020 10:11 AM MDT

  • 53642


      Has anyone reported the lazy failure to sort to the postal service?

      July 18, 2020 10:22 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Never have.
      July 18, 2020 10:38 AM MDT