It yearns for the old days the old ways when slavery was king and queen. The Confederacy is alive and well and weaponized to "take back the country".
The freedom and equality for all faction are mostly anti-gun nonguns and therefore not weaponized. Are they doomed to be slaughtered by the Confederacy? Are our streets going to run bloodred with the blood of the freedom fighters and equality seekers?
Which side are you on? Are you a gun or a non-gun? I know you guns are willing to murder to get your way. Are you willing to die?
Our nation is crumbling into chaos. Everywhere we see oppression, depression, suppression, expression, repression…
Everyone’s demanding their “rights” at the preclusion of everyone else’s. “white power”, “black power”; “republican”, “democrat”; “keep guns”, “ban guns”; “pro-abortion, “pro-life”; “mask”, no mask”; “I’m offended, change it”, “I like it as it is, leave it”; “I’m right, you’re wrong”; “he’s touching me”, “she’s looking at me”, “can’t make me!”; “am not!”, “are too!” …
Everyone is so focused on themselves that they’re blinded to what there actually doing. They’re destroying a nation. People’s refusal to cede even one of their “rights” is dooming them to, eventually, having none. This nation has only been great when its citizens focus on others and not on themselves. We set aside days to honor those who gave the “ultimate sacrifice” for their country, yet so few are willing to sacrifice even one of their “rights” for another. Dying for ones country is hard, but LIVING for it is even harder. Accepting others despite their skin color, gender, religion, national heritage, or political preference is not something that comes easy to people. Every one of us has biases, prejudices. Leaning to overcome them is difficult, but not impossible. To do this, we not only have to want to overcome them, but we must constantly practice subduing them, otherwise we will become slaves to them. The result of our being its slave is hate, anger and violence… something we’re seeing a lot of lately. A house divided against itself cannot stand.