As a memory - no. One must experience something in order to form a memory of it.
However, God has put a sense of eternity in people’s minds.
Perhaps my wording is what threw you. I was using the word "experiencing" as in seeing. Seeing something (like on TV) is a form of experiencing it. A memory can be formed from anything that is sensed (tasted, touched, seen, smelled, etc.). One can even have a memory of a dream.
Now, I seriously doubt you ever actually visited Mayberry, or had a conversation with Andy, Otis or even Gomer. The only memories of them came from what was presented to you on TV. Therefore, if none of the episodes of Andy Griffith ever showed Barney Fife walking through the streets of LA, then you couldn’t have a memory of it. You could have seen the actor walking in LA, but that would have been Don Knotts, not Barney Fife. You might imagine it, but that’s not a memory.
Does that make more sense?