In the mid-70's say or can some keep making it and live until their 80's or 90's?
They have records of hot dog eating....last contest 75 consumed by one person.
It's all about how much the gut stretches. Do the hot dog eating pigs ever upchuck with the downed Or does it all eventually come out in the end?
How are they related? I don't know that they are. Stuffings are made of many things. HOt DOGS or homo sap manure or mystery meat? Mystery meatn is all of the animal including glands and stomach and veins and fat and cartilege. Some sausages are made up of that. The awul offal.
One isn’t born full of s*** (physically or mentally). They do it to themselves.
It takes around 36 hours for food to go from mouth to poop chute. The longest food can stay inside a body is about 72 hours. Food is broken down in the stomach, and then filtered through the colon and intestines. There things like nutrients, water, and such are removed for use elsewhere in the body. The “leftover” matter is expelled anally. However, eating too much food, epically large amounts of greasy or sugary foods, can cause one to do the “goulash gush”. Contestants in eating contests, however, try not to do a “3-D burp”, as it counts against them.
The stuff that goes into hot dogs is what’s leftover on the slaughterhouse floor – skeletal meat, fatty tissue, sinew, liver, blood, skin, meat from an animal’s head, and even feet. Now, before you “disembark your dinner”, know that it’s all 100% edible.
Unlike food, what one puts into their mind stays there – permanently. Yet at the same time, the mind also regurgitates its “contents” back out through one’s mouth (speech). If one puts good things into their mind, then good things (truthfulness) will come back out in their speech. However, if one puts s*** into their mind, then lies will come back out. Unlike the stomach, which stretches and shrinks to accommodate what’s put into it, the mind capacity is infinite. The more s*** one puts into their mind, the more lies will be “spewed” out from the mouth.