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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is what will come to pass futurely if what der speigleman(HEIL HIM) demands to have happen happens. Say goodbye to your children. WHAT?

This is what will come to pass futurely if what der speigleman(HEIL HIM) demands to have happen happens. Say goodbye to your children. WHAT?

Open up ALL SCHOOLS WIDE. FORCE parents to send their children back to school so they can go to work so the economy can get rolling so der speigleman(HEIL HIM) will be re-elected! ORDERS from the top. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO WIGGLE ROOM. NO AUTONOMY. Der speigleman(HEIL HIM) owns you and therefore owns your children too. You are irrelevant. You are only instruments/weapons of der speigleman(HEIL HIM) to do with as he wishes to do. So far Y'all have denied him nothing. Including the lives and welbeing of your children too?

Some of them will catch the virus and be very badly affected and either die or carry with them for the rest of their lives permanent damage..including to the brain.

Sacrificing your children to please der speigleman(HEIL HIM)? Makes sense to you do it? Always has always will. "Suffer the little children to come unto me".  Yes, well some of your parents will in fact send your children to suffer unto HIM.

Posted - July 24, 2020
