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aM gift items: Please, can we have the Wailing Wall as a new gift item?!

Category: Silly Questions.

JA, we need a Wailing Wall. I want to spread comfort among a few people around, the mourning people.

Alternatively, we could have our own Wailing Wall here at anaswerMug (all religions and non-religions included). It would give the mourning people a place to cry for all their losses and grief they feel after losing their bellowed outdated Ning platform version of answerMug. We could include a Photo Wall too.

Just an idea, instead of all the troubles they have to go through each day where they have to post a new question to process their grief.

Posted - October 7, 2016


  • 7938
    lolz I admire the idea, but we're still having trouble getting people to find the adult network. How are we going to direct them to the wailing wall? The questions will subside. 
      October 7, 2016 12:52 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Give the wall it's own button on the main menu. Lol. Btw, we are doing better day for day. Two days ago when we discussed the Adult Network the first time, a little less than a week ago we were four. I started directing friends how to enter the magic world behind the curtains. We got ten, and next 14 two days ago. Today we are closing in on the first 50. I think we have come a long way in a short time. Don't underestimate the power of guerrilla marketing. Mouth to mouth (no pun intended) works wonder at times. :-)
      October 7, 2016 1:03 PM MDT

  • 17562
    Please, no.  If you do this please don't call it the Wailing Wall.  The world already has one.   To copy it is disrespectful.   But I dislike the idea altogether.  You didn't ask I know, but this is out in the open. 
      October 7, 2016 9:35 PM MDT

  • 7938
    I'm not a fan of anything that encourages negativity, so this one is out. :) 
      October 8, 2016 12:02 PM MDT

  • 17261
    You are entitled to have your opinions Thrifty, nothing's wrong with that. Like said, I suggested an all covering wall... Any religion as non-religion. in my opinion it won't be mores disrespectful than any satiric illustration of something religious, or a cathedral for that matter. The gifts are "fun" and so should they be taken in my opinion. :-)
      October 8, 2016 1:06 PM MDT

  • 17562
    No place for a wailing wall in fun gifts.  No such thing as a "fun" take on something like The Wailing Wall. 
      October 8, 2016 1:13 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Of course there is. 
      October 8, 2016 2:41 PM MDT

  • Is there a fruit basket gift?
      October 8, 2016 12:04 PM MDT

  • 17562
    Oh no.  Would you rather have fruit than coffee?  ;)
      October 8, 2016 12:16 PM MDT

  • 17261
    Not that I'm aware about. There is a happy banana though. :-)

      October 8, 2016 1:08 PM MDT