Wait, what? You realize, of course, that I had to eat that entire pizza by myself, right? It might have tasted good if not for my bitter tears of sorrow and rejection seasoning every bite. (Sniff, sob.)
You should give me another chance.
Never forget that I’m waiting in the wings to take care of you, Dearest.
When I was raising my children and they hit those teenage years (uggh), I came up with this:
“Some of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in life, some of my worst failures, have come AFTER I failed to follow the GOOD advice of people who knew exactly what they were talking about.”
There are countless times that “I told you so” applies only my life, not as my statement, but as a statement being said to me.
In answer to your question, I should have started saving money sooner than I did, I should have saved more money than I have, I should have made better financial decisions overall throughout my entire life.