Armed mystery meat thugs to rubber bullet baton beat and teargass UNARMED peaceful protesters.
Performing LAWLESS 24/7. Perfectly sensible to his base who are similarly dyslexic. They act backwards think backwards talk backwards. Wired that way. Can't help it! Blind leading the blind. It happens. Luck of the draw. Our bad luck.
No, it’s not dyslexia, he's simply a jacka$$.
A president is supposed to make decisions. That’s his job. Sometimes those decisions are good, sometimes they’re bad. However, before making a decision, he must look carefully into the situation. He must get as much reliable information about it as he can. He also needs to listen to reliable advisors, as they may have different viewpoints, different angles that he might not of thought of. The ultimate goal is to make the best decisions he can.
A president who refuses to listen to reliable intell cannot make very good decisions. A president who surrounds himself with toadies won’t get differing viewpoints, thus limiting the scope of his decision-making ability. A president who thinks he knows everything and refuses to seek or listen to advice, or who listens to unreliable intell cannot make very informed decisions. A president who cannot or refuses to admit that he made a mistake, will see every decision he makes as good – whether they are or not. A egotistical president like this can only lead his country into ruin.
No, he's 'not a Russian plant. He’s just an idiot. He’s so full of himself that he can’t admit he’s wrong. With that kind of egotism, it’s easy for other leaders to use him like a puppet. They simply have to stroke his ego. Fox News learned how to do it.
Russia has always disliked the US (at least since WWII). Perhaps its jealousy, perhaps its something else. trump isn’t the first prudent they’ve tried to manipulate , and he won’t be the last. What trips trump up is his massive ego. He has to be the best at everything even though he isn’t. He can’t admit it when he makes a mistake, for in his mind he’s infallible. He loves praise. In fact, he lives for it. All anyone has to do is stroke his ego and he’ll do anything for them. Putin’s no dummy. From the moment he heard trump foolishly crowing for them to look into Hillary’s emails, Putin knew he’d make a perfect patsy.