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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Extend no eviction. Another stimulus check. Reduced unemployment checks. Extend hold harmless to five years. WHAT DAT?

Extend no eviction. Another stimulus check. Reduced unemployment checks. Extend hold harmless to five years. WHAT DAT?

If you get the virus you cannot sue anyone for any reason at any time WITHIN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD>

So when your governor or mayor or boss orders you to not wear a mask and you get very ill you cannot sue the son of a bit** because the GOP Senate has his a** and his back and his front. Good ta know who they are watching out for and who they are  excited to sacrifice/throw under the bus. But you already know that. Business as usual. Monkey business. Funny business.

Re-elect the bas**rds is what you intend to do? Are you nuts?

Posted - July 27, 2020
