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I KNOW why pumpkin is pushing so relentlessly to open up the country now! Do you?

Obviously he is heavily invested in


He will make a bundle on those who die and what better faster way to increase their numbers than to DEMAND OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN?

Y'all hired him because he is such a good businessman. Well you got what you asked for. He does everything to make money for him. This is one heckuva way to do it and he doesn't have to lift a finger. LITERALLY. The more he doesn't do a dam* thing at all  the more die and the more money he makes.

Template for you for YOUR future. Do what you can to create more of what you need to make more money

The more folks who die the richer the pumpkin gets from all his death-related investments. NO BRAINER. SURE THING. DUH!

Posted - July 28, 2020


  • 10572

    No, he simply wants to look good.   He thrives on attention (look at me!  look at me!).   This virus is making him look bad. 

    Before, he gloated about jobs and prosperity (whether or not it actually existed is another matter).   Then along comes the virus.  He tried to ignore it (doesn’t exist), but that didn’t work.  He tried to downplay it (it’ll be gone by April), but that didn’t work either.  He tried to blame someone else (Chinese flu), but by now the American people were clamoring for him to do something.  He eschewed it (let the state governors handle it), but that only made things worse.  With the virus, the racial protesting and the tanking economy, trump could see he was losing control.  An election that he couldn’t fathom himself loosing was now looming on the horizon – and his chances of winning were tanking more that the economy.   People weren’t even showing up in droves at his rallies anymore.  With his kingship disintegrating, he’s desperately trying to bring back that which (in his mind) had made him “popular” in the first place – a strong economy.   If he opens the country up right now, everything will magically be as it was before. 

     Just like his plans to “make America great again” (by returning it to the 1950’s) didn’t work, his reopening the country won’t work either.   For him the presidency was just for show.  He never figured he’d actually have to do something.

      July 28, 2020 2:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know what methinks Shuhak? You are being too kind to him. You are giving him more credit than is due him. Other motives than MAKING MONEY. I think that's all he lives for. MAKING MONEY. He not only broke the EMOLUMENTS clause in the Constitution the moment he took the oath and became prez he crushed it he squished it he trampled on it he ground it up and he is feeding it to his toady sycophant whinya** spineless eunuch peeps. I think pumpkin is one dimensional and you are giving him credit for being a bit more than that. Could you be right? Of course. Could I be right? Of course. Either way we lose! Thank you for your thoughtful and accurate and meticulous reply. If only he were as you describe there'd be something we could work with. You can't bake a cake with one ingredient. You can't make a president with only one goal. I guess I'll run that up the flagpole to see who salutes! Happy Wednesday Shuhak. It's ghastly hot here in Hemet the next few days. What's the temp gonna be up north in your beautiful and cooler neck of the woods?
      July 29, 2020 2:09 AM MDT

  • 10572

    It’s been around 96 here for the past week.  Overnight lows cool off to the mid 60’s.   Overall temperatures are just slightly above average.  They’re not showing much change here for the next 2 weeks.  Summertime!

      July 29, 2020 11:54 AM MDT

  • 16664
    The "good businessman" has been bankrupt SIX TIMES that I'm aware of, stiffing the employees each time. He also stiffed George Foreman and Evander Holyfield, no heavyweight boxing title fight has been held at a Trump venue since.
    I've never been bankrupt even once (except when playing Monopoly, does that count?)
      July 28, 2020 5:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I haven't ever been bankrupt either R. But things were really tight when my son was a kid. I was down to $5 in my checking account and worried that I'd get sick or the car would break down until I got my next paycheck. I did borrow $500 once from my mom but I paid it back. When I got divorced the ex was supposed to pay $100 a month till our son was 18. We divorced when Rich was 3. Know how much he paid over 15 years? $3000. I put that in a bank account for my son and never touched a penny of it. When he graduated from College that was his graduation present. Long ago and far away. I never lived beyond my means. I never bought just to have. No interest in acquiring "THINGS". Weird that after all those years Jim and I (whom I met when I was 59) are better off financially now than we ever were. During a pandemic that might wipe homo saps off the face of the earth. Weird timing! Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine. Pumpkin's obscenely weath dad bailed him out of trouble more than once. The pumpkin never created anything originated anything invented anything. He has always lived off the efforts and talents of others. When that stop working for him it will be a sight to behold. Maybe that's the denouement? :)
      July 29, 2020 2:15 AM MDT