That’s impossible, because there will always be anarchists.
When problems arise, anarchists thrive.
The favorite weapon of anarchists is the conspiracy theory. For many centuries, the only way to wield their weapon was via word of mouth. However, with the advent of the internet and social media, they can easily indoctrinate thousands of naive sheeple all at once. Conspiracy theories abound - the earth is flat, the moon landings weren’t real, 911 was an inside job, COVID isn’t real, COVID is a plot by Big Pharma to make more money, the virus escaped from a Chinese lab, COVID death rates are inflated…. One can’t turn on the TV or surf the internet without ruing into at least several conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theory is like a virus – one person can infect thousands of others. People like to take the course of least resistance. If something sounds good, they’ll quickly take it as gospel without checking whether it’s actually true or not. The crowning achievement for an anarchist is to get into an influential position, or indoctrinate someone who’s already there. The current US president is an anarchists dream. He so foolish that he thinks all conspiracy theories are true, and spreads them across the nation.
The present state of this nation is ripe for anarchists to thrive and spread their ignorance. Already we’re seeing the fruit of their conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation – hatred (people victimized because they’re of Chinese ethnicity), rebellion (people amassing on beaches, in bars and restaurants without social distancing, and/or refusing to wear a face), anger (violent confrontations between anarchists and non-anarchists). Some people don’t realize that they are being anarchists. They’re so swept up in the tumult that they’re blinded to their actions. Anyone can be guilty of spreading anarchy - protesters, mayors, governors, churches, black people, white people, rich, poor, male, female, young, old… anyone. The only way to stop anarchists is to stop listening to them. If no one listens to their conspiracy theories, lies an misinformation, we’ll see them for what they actually are - foolish.