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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Diabetics take meds to manage their disease. If they don't they could go blind or have a leg amputated. Why would you NOT protect yourself?

Diabetics take meds to manage their disease. If they don't they could go blind or have a leg amputated. Why would you NOT protect yourself?

Posted - July 29, 2020


  • 10795

    Because one refuses to accept the fact that they have the disease (in reference to diabetes).  I’ve seen it. 

    “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”   You want to.  You want to pour it down his throat so he won’t die.  Yet all you can do is stand by and watch as the enviable happens; wondering how anyone could be that stupid.    

    The same is true of the virus.  We know it’s real.  We can see people around us getting sick.  Even so many people refuse to accept it.  They stick their heads in the sand and pretend it’s not there.   “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist”.  They’re like little kids - “Billy, don’t play in traffic.”  “NO!  I can do as I please!”  “Johnny, wear this mask when you’re outside so you’ll be safe.”  “NO!  You can’t make me!” “Suzie, take this vaccine so you won’t get sick!  “NO!  You’re not the boss of me!”  However, they’re not kids they’re grown adults, adults who should know better.    We just shake our heads in disbelief, watching in horror as the enviable happens - Billy, bouncing off the hood of a car; Johnny lying in a hospital with tubes down his throat; Suzie’s casket being lowered into the ground.   Why wouldn’t they listen?  How could they be so stupid?

      July 29, 2020 12:54 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Before I read your tag line I was going to ask "Aren't all such people stupid dumbs?" I mean any mediocre brain would not stand still and let a fire engulf it. We run away from or try to avoid danger pain death. The mediocres and less than mediocres. Even they know to do that. So where does it leave those stupid dumbs who are not wired normally? Lowest on the scale of thinking beings they are not even there at all. Where a political philosophy overrides the natural inclination to preserve life nothing can be done. They are beyond all and perhaps even a completely different species. Just because they "look like us" doesn't mean they are like us. Right? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. This post was edited by RosieG at July 30, 2020 11:32 AM MDT
      July 30, 2020 4:36 AM MDT