What would it take to do what he wants? Can billybarr force a new temporary law up our a**es and down our throats simultaneously to give the smashed pumpkin what he desperately seeks above all else? NO ELECTION! I dunno. If there is any way to do it billbarr and pumpkina** will definitely get it done.
He has no authority to delay an election. Only congress can do that.
He knows he’s going to lose his “kingship” and it terrifies him. He’ll say/do anything to try to extend his “reign”. While he and his followers might think he’s a king, he’s really nothing more than a sorry old blowhard. He’s going to say and do some bizarre things in the next few months in order to try to save his cherished position. Possibly more bizarre than what he’s done in the past 3-1/2 years.