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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » President Ronald Reagan signed a Fair Housing Law bill September 14, 1988 for the purpose of STRENGTHENING IT AND ENFORCING IT. Didja KNOW?

President Ronald Reagan signed a Fair Housing Law bill September 14, 1988 for the purpose of STRENGTHENING IT AND ENFORCING IT. Didja KNOW?

Do you also know what pumpkina** did Wednesday, July 29, 2020? RESCIND THAT LAW.

Then he took victory laps informing all his adoring worshippers and toady sycophants that they would no longer have to be worried by lesser housing ruining their neighborhoods with "poor" people living.


When President Reason signed the bill and strengthened it he specifically mentioned John Lewis.

You do see how very low we have fallen do you not? If President Reagan were alive today he'd be at John Lewis funeral.

But pumpkina** disrespects everyone and by so doing invites disrespect in return.

He not only disses John Lewis he took great pleasure in CRUSHING one of things John Lewis worked hard to achieve.

The pumpkina** isn't worth a nail clipping on the smallest finger of the John Lewis Hand. The pumpkin is beyond contempt.

Posted - July 30, 2020


  • 6023
    I admit not hearing anything about it.
    Was it an actual law, passed by Congress - or an Executive Order?
    The President can't rescind laws unless Congress has done so.  But he can rescind Executive Orders.
      (well, unless the Supreme Court blocks him from rescinding an EO, as we saw them do with DACA)

    So even if the President "rescinds" a law - all federal agencies still have to follow it, or the agents can be found guilty of violating the law.
    And that goes even further for "civilians" - such as mortgage companies, banks, real estate agents, etc.
      July 30, 2020 7:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I don't know what he actually DID Walt. He just took bragging rights a victory lap and assured all white racists their neighborhoods would not be blighted by POOR people. Now the original was by Lyndon Johnson in 1968 I think and what President Reagan did put some teeth in it. Now did pumpkina** just lie to make brownie points with his addlebrained peeps? Could be. he lies all the time. He brags about things he never did. Here's hoping this is one of them. Thank you for your reply. The economy shrank almost 33% in the period April-June. The $600/week expires tomorrow. GOP is having an internecine war among the cheapskates and the scrooges. Meanwhile leaving those who are desperate up a crick with no oar. 20 GOP said they would not agree to vote on any more money since they say we already spent too much on this virus thingy. So expect evictions and more homeless and more hungry and more desperate and more worse. Meanwhile pumpkina** golfs and tweets and eats so he is happy. SIGH. I'd say I CAHN'T STEND it but to what end? Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Thursday. It is looking very grim for millions of our American citizens. How long can they hold on with the rope almost cut in half? This post was edited by RosieG at July 30, 2020 8:56 AM MDT
      July 30, 2020 8:11 AM MDT

  • 6023
    One of my coworkers forwarded a notice to me, yesterday, that the WA Governor extended the "eviction moratorium".
    Thankfully, I planned on that, so should still be able to evict the mooch at the end of August.
      July 30, 2020 8:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh. So the mooch is a lazy bum who is using this as an excuse to stiff you then? Glad you can boot his lazy deadbeat cheapskate a** out. One person or a family? Thanks Walt. Never been an owner of anyplace where people paid me to stay there so I have no personal experience with it. If the guy is an SOB I'd have no problem. If the guy is a hardworking out of luck good husband and father? I dunno. With a wife and kids? I dunno. I dunno whom I'd if I had money so I can't lecture or give an opinion about something with which I have no direct experience or knowledge. Sorry for the long reply. It happens. This post was edited by RosieG at July 30, 2020 8:56 AM MDT
      July 30, 2020 8:53 AM MDT

  • 6023
    It's a woman.
    I made the mistake of doing an "owner carry" mortgage, and she stopped paying Jan 2019.

    But she knows just what to do to delay getting evicted as long as possible.  Including filing for bankruptcy, and then dropping that at the last minute.  Which puts a hold on all evictions and collections.

    We were "this close" to getting her out in March, when the Governor first put a moratorium on evictions.
    But we found a loophole in his order, so I was ready for him to extend it.
      July 30, 2020 9:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh geez Walt! JANUARY 2019? OMG! Geez that is lousy. Why would her filing for bankruptcy have ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING? HOW IS THAT ANY OF YOUR FAULT? I don't get it. She dropped it when and why couldn't you kick her butt out the very next day? How long was she there? Geez I'm sorry m'dear. I could not take it. I don't have the temperament for it. I'm FURIOUS here in Hemet on your behalf so just think how LIVID I'd be on my own? I don't know if you have other renters or other situations but I surely hope this is the terrible and ONLY exception. So August has to go and then September One she is OUTTA THERE?  CAN YOU SUE HER ONCE SHE'S GONE? Sorry I'm screaming. I'll tone it down. Geez. :(
      July 30, 2020 9:28 AM MDT